Saturday, August 8, 2009

Blogger Buzz: Tweet Your Blog

Blogger Buzz: Tweet Your Blog

Found extra pounds

If you found extra pounds, then you know how hard it is to loose them.
Here are some tips.
# 1)Go out and go for a walk, the fresh air will do you good. You may see things that you never noticed before.
# 2)Stop with the junk food and the soft drinks.
# 3)On hot days drink plenty of water it helps to keep you cool,and it flushes out your system.
# 4) Watch what you eat, Try to make healthy choices.
If your are over weight and out of shape then take it slow,Try short walks but often.
The will take some time. Remember the weight you gained, didn't happen over night and you won't loose it over night.
If you stay with it then you will succeed.